Saturday, December 17, 2022

“You're loved.” How I spotted this message from The Velvet Bandit just when I needed it most.

Driving home one night I was feeling sad and scared, shaken by a big change in my life.
Then on the highway right before my exit, something caught my eye: A rainbow on a concrete block at the end of a frontage road. 

At the time I just wanted to get home after a long drive, but something kept telling me to pull off and take a picture of the rainbow, especially since the skies behind it were so beautiful. So I did.
That was cool.
Because once I got close, I saw that written below the rainbow were the words, “You’re loved.” Which was exactly what I needed to hear, exactly when I needed to hear it. 
Even cooler? Afterward I got in touch with the artist (The Velvet Bandit), who said she put up that sticker, along with many others, in an effort to “bring a little love and light to someone’s day when they come across it.” And while she had put up that rainbow in the summer for Pride Month, I hadn’t noticed it until months later, when I needed it most. And I loved being able to tell her how much it helped me.

The night I saw the sticker was a great reminder that love is everywhere, we just have to find it. And that we should always strive to put back whatever amount of love we can offer to the world, just in case even that tiny dose Is exactly what at least one person needs, delivered exactly when they need it most.

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