Sunday, August 4, 2024

New life goal: Be a "Tough Broad" as long as I can!

My bruised and scuffed-up elbow!
I fell while hiking this week: My foot hit a bump and the rest of me toppled like a cut tree, sending me belly-flopping onto a path full of hard dirt and rocks instead of a pool full of water.

That was not cool.

But at least I didn’t seriously hurt myself. I did get some nasty scraps and bruises, but nothing got broken or even sprained. 

So, that was cool. It was also cool that my hiking pants didn’t tear at all (thank you, Prana!) and that I was wearing compression pads on my knees so they were not ground into hamburger meat.
Knee injury circa 1990.
Yet it was still really scary to be suddenly heading straight for the ground with no way to stop myself. And it wasn’t at all like the last time I got such horrible bruises on my knees, when I was 18 and careless and climbing over rocks way too fast. After that spill I laughed, then pulled out my camera to document my wound. (Why? Hopefully it was to remind myself to be more careful, though I seriously doubt it.)
But this time I had not been careless. I was just walking. On a trail. That was nearly flat — then suddenly “splat!”Falling when you’re young can often be funny, but falling when you get older is almost always frightening. 
And therefore it is even more important to get up and keep walking if you can. And then get back on the trail the next day. 

So I was very glad to have also learned this week about the perfect book to inspire me to do just that: “Tough Broad: From Boogie Boarding to Wing Walking — How Outdoor Adventure Improves our Lives as We Age,” by Caroline Paul.
Like me, being outdoors is what makes her feel most alive, so Paul makes sure she doesn’t miss out on all the fun because, also like me, she’s in her 50s. Instead of sitting out things that seem risky or only appropriate for much-younger people to do, Paul argues that we should accept and even embrace the limits that come with age, then wring every bit of excitement we can out of the years and stamina we have left. Amen!
But the “Tough Broad” I am even more grateful to right now is a woman who just entered her 50s this year, a friend who inspired me to embark on two unforgettable adventures in one weekend: First a sunset swim in an alpine lake, then on a hike to a staircase in the sky that leads to the Sierra Buttes Lookout Station, a platform with such soaring views that you feel as if you’re hovering over the entire Sierra Nevada Mountains.

And yes, I documented both adventures in a video:

My Grandmother's Journals: August, 1999. “Got panties. Blue and purple, all cotton.”

Welcome to my anti-anxiety medication: my grandmother’s journals. Because reading all the details of her days, the minutiae of what she ate and what she watched on TV, is to me both fascinating and soothing, the perfect antidote to stress, worry and frustration — which we all seem to have far too much of these days!

In August of 1999, she was an 83-year-old woman living alone in a trailer park, but don't feel sorry for her because she wasn’t sad, and neither was her home — she was the most fiercely independent person I have ever known, living near one of the coolest places I’ve ever seen: Pleasure Point in Santa Cruz, Calif. 
And nearly every day she walked the cliffs along the ocean, looking out for the surfers who loved that spot, too. 
That was cool 
And man, that life of walking near the ocean, going to the donut shop for some coffee and a treat before heading to the movies sounds just about perfect right about now.
(I wrote more about her life in this post)
Also in August of 1999, grandma was watching  tennis, going to see “Notting Hill” in the theater again and yet again for a total of ten times, even more than the previous record of six times for “Shakespeare in Love.”
Sunday, Aug. 1, 1999
Up 7:30. Usual breakfast, chores. Swept carpets.
Foned Cathi, OK to bring sewing machine.
Washed car, walked on East Cliff.
To Cathi’s, met her daughter. She happy with machine, makes buttonholes. Talked a bit.
To library, early. Sat on bench. Man shared, started talking. Zen Monk, from China. Learned computers, teaches at Cabrillo College.
Justine sent me email.
Home, tennis: Davenport v. Williams. Great match. Williams tired. Heat?
Ebert: Runaway Bride (yes), Twin Falls Idaho (yes), Deep Blue Sea (yes).

Monday, Aug. 2, 1999
Up 7:30. Slept good. Shower/hair. Swept carpets. 
To Longs, McDonald’s for coffee. Spoke to Ellie, asked if she heard Larry. No, her husband was out “waiting for the bus.” She called the police, they found him.
Tennis: Rerun of Sampras/Agassi.
To library, email from H. Lost messages folder.

Tuesday, Aug. 3, 1999
Up 7:30. Changed sheets. Breakfast same.
To Longs, signed some petitions.
To Nob Hill, wrong price for bread in computer.
Gave two pair of pants to Sister Grace.
Ate lunch here.
To show, “Notting Hill.” [9th!]
Home, sent vitamins order, wrote Prudy.
TV: News, etc. Read papers.
Bed, crossword

Wednesday, Aug. 4, 1999
Dentist 10:00
Up 7:30, ready by 9.
To Drug Emporium, got papers and TV Guide.
To post office, mailed letter to Prudy.
To dentists,crown fine. Out 10:30.
To Albertsons, had peaches on sale.
To library. Talked to librarian, attachments blocked because of virus.
To show, “Notting Hill.” [10th!]
To Branciforte library, computers busy.
To Live Oak, message from H. Replied, attachment still there. Sent message to Justine, also.
Home, dinner.
TV: News, Due South. (Ben shot).

Thursday, Aug. 5, 1999
Up 8:30. Watered lawn after breakfast. (Usual).
Ironed t-shirt.
To Kmart for gas, forgot wallet. Left watch there.
Returned home for wallet, went back, paid.
Home, lunch. Ate mango!
Mail: Bishops Ranch, car insurance.
Tennis: Agassi v.Chang. Agassi played in morning and afternoon, won both.
Bed early.

Friday, Aug. 6, 1999
Up 7, usual breakfast.
Vacuumed some. 
Walked cliff.
To Ocean donut/coffee.
To library, talked to Reference Desk.
To Aptos. Ate KFC. Took pie home.
To show, “Eyes Wide Shut.” Stupid! Cruise can’t act.
TV: Due South, lost in woods. L & O, Farscape.
Bed 11:30. Cyst broken.

Saturday, Aug. 7, 1999
Usual breakfast. Some chores, cleaned wood.
To bank for recap, got paper, coffee.
To library, message from Justine, H and Carla. Then internet down, attendant still there.
Home, lunch. Worked on bank balance.
Mail: Justine sent $50
Tennis: Venus over Davenport, Agassi lost.
TV: A&E Dance Sport. 
Made checks for girls, read papers.
Bed, crossword, news. Better movement today.

Sunday, Aug. 8, 1999
Up 8, usual breakfast. Chores, shower. Ready by 11.
Mailed letters to Justin and H.
To Ocean for donut/coffee.
To show, “Blair Witch Project.”
To library. Librarian gave me name “Donna” for expert?
Tennis: Hingis over Williams, 6/4, 6/0!
TV: New Ebert, Mystery Science Theatre, ran two Internet videos. Fun.
Fluid in area near ear.
Good sleep.

Monday, Aug. 9, 1999
Up 7, no milk. Ate English muffin.
To Laundromat.
Albertsons for fruit, soy.
Home. Swept patio, had cereal.
Ironed t-shirts, etc.
TV: Equalizer, Murder.
Mail: Penney’s bill.
To library, sent message to woman in Alaska, also Carla.
Saw Donna, did not know attachments blocked.
Home, some TV. L & O, Due South. (Messed up).
Bed 10.

Tuesday, Aug. 10, 1999
Slept 12:30 to 5:30! Then 7:30.
Breakfast usual, ready at 10.
Got paper, walked cliff.
To post office, got 10 stamps.
Got TV Guide and two packages of pads.
Kmart, ate. Got panties: blue and purple, all cotton.
Home, some TV. About 11 a.m. adult man shot 3 kids & teenager & adult at child center north of LA. "Perp" not found.
Bed, 10 news, Frasier. 11 news. 
Not good sleep.

Wednesday, Aug. 11, 1999
Up 7:30, usual breakfast. Chores.
Swept ceiling, vacuumed front, under chairs. Picked up a heavy object under couch. Coin?
“Perp” turned himself into FBI in Las Vegas. 
Watched CNN: LA police, mayor, FBI, all held conference. Well-handled, “commended” all.
Shooter 39-years-old, took two taxi cabs, first to border of Cal-Nev, then another to Las Vegas!
To show, “Thomas Crown Affair.” Good.
To library, email from Alaska.
Home, news, etc. Dave. Slept good.

Thursday, Aug. 12, 1999
Up 7, usual breakfast. Chores.
To Longs, paper, BP. McDonald’s, coffee.
To show, “Sixth Sense.” Good. Slow start, twist at end.
Ate at KFC.
Home, 4 p.m. Law & Order, 5 p.m. tennis: Agassi won, tough match for him.
TV: Lehrer, no Due South?
Bed 9:30. Slept good.

Friday, Aug. 13, 1999
Awake 4:50, up 6:30. Light breakfast.
Watered lawns. Walked cliff. Sun out.
Home, Tennis: Sampras won, good match. Agassi won, tough for him.
No mail.
Straightened cabinet in bathroom. Tossed a few things.
TV: LA Detectives, Lehrer, Law & Order.
11:30: H called for hotel, Holiday Inn said no reservations. Was on cell fone in shuttle. Got room at Best Western. She called again from hotel, 12:30.
Saturday, Aug. 14, 1999
Woke 7:30 usual breakfast.
To Albertsons, got fruit. 
Walked. Man asked for a playground.
Home, called H. Offered car if can’t get one.
Some washing. 
TV: Golf and tennis: Sampras over Agassi: 7/6, 8/6, 6/4.
To Longs, BP good.
To Blockbuster, English Patient. (Still $17.99 at Kmart.)
Mail: Treasury statement, card from Myra.
Shower, hair.
TV: History’s Mysteries.
Sunday, Aug. 15, 1999
Up 7, breakfast usual.
To town. Parked in garage, walked to Zachary’s.
Arrived 9:20, got table 9:30. Justine, H+C arrived 10. I was ready to leave. Very angry. 
Friend Carolyn from Berkeley, worked at Justine’s paper for a time.
Home: Sampras won, Tiger Woods just did win PGA.
Bed early. 9:30.

Monday, Aug. 16, 1999
Awake 3:30, back to sleep 5-7. Groggy.
Did bank accounts.
To Kmart, looked for bed spreads, only comforters. Got food.
Got muffin, coffee.
Home 12 p.m. Wrote B of A in Phoenix.
To Longs to Xerox letter, Albertsons for fruit.
Live Oak for email: Message from Carla and Justine.
TV: Due South, some Lehrer, L&O.
Ate potatoes and avocado.
Bed 10:30.
Jay Leno had Hugh Grant as guest.

Tuesday, Aug. 17, 1999
Slept good. Up 6:30.
Bank to check balance, first wrote letter to Myra.
To Drug Emporium, then Ocean Street for donut/coffee.
To library, read some of Newsweek regarding “Blair (Witch Project).”
Home 2 p.m. Watched “Murder She Wrote.”
Read “Island Voyage.”
TV: News, Due South. (Good).
Earthquake 6:10?
10 p.m. news: Confirmed quake at 6:07, 5.0 off Bolinas.
Sleep 12:30 a.m. Used heat lamp.

Wednesday, Aug. 18, 1999
Good sleep. Awake 6, then 8.
No papers at two places.
Typed letter to Sy. To post office, got stamps.
Walked on cliff. Got paper.
Checked Gottschal’s for bedspreads.
Got coffee/donut at McDonald’s.
To show, “Mystery Men.” Awful.
Mail: Letter from Visa, replied.
To library, no email messages. Used Xerox, left original.
TV: Due South.
Back to library, checked Ross and Mervyn’s.

Thursday, Aug. 19, 1999
Up 6:30, usual breakfast. Out 10.
To Credit Union for info. Called Treasury, no five-year notes til Nov.
To McDonald's. Coffee, sauce (apple).
To Sears for bedspreads, got one.
Drove to Scotts Valley to see "Runaway Bride," it was at Aptos.
To Albertsons, dropped bag. It was retrieved, woman put it in plain sight.
Home. Lunch, Murder She Says, papers, etc.
TV: Lehrer, Due South, Law & order.
Bed, read, crossword. 11 news.
Friday, Aug. 20, 1999
Awake 6:30, usual breakfast.
To dentist for impression, 1/2 hour.
To mall, read a bit.
To Aptos for "Runaway Bride." Not great.
To KFC, got pie.
Home, Murder She Says. Girls left 6:50 p.m.
Maria washed car.
Mail: Forms returned. Incorrect!
TV: Farscape, Due South, 11 news.
Slept good.
Dentist gave me cinnamon Oral B.

Saturday, Aug. 21, 1999
Awake 6, usual breakfast. Heat lamp early.
To bank for correction of forms. Leah! This will be bad.
To San Jose Tin Tin for tea, etc. Man in line also uses Tuocha. Traffic back not bad.
Ate Wendy's 3 p.m. Joan/Sally called regarding oil cloth.
To Live Oak, email message from Carla. Got instructions for estimating tax capital gains.
Mail: U.S. West merging with Quest.
TV: Star Trek.
Bed 10.

Sunday, Aug. 22, 1999
Late. Awake 6, then 8. Shower, hair. Ready at 10:30.
To Ocean Street donut, walked to Logo's. 
Sold Virginia Wolf, 39 Steps, bought Ancient Healing Secrets. Also Webster's dictionary for learners of English!
To library, research for Joan/Sally on oil cloth.
The Zen Monk there, we talked. He smokes! Looks like high blood pressure. He talked to young man, 14.
Home 5:45, ate.
TV: Ebert, "Mickey Blue Eyes" (no). 

Monday, Aug. 23, 1999
Up 7:30, usual breakfast. Chores, ready 10.
To Longs, got tissue. To McDonald's, got coffee.
To Beverly's, no "oilcloth." Vinyl, checkered blue and red tablecloths.
Home, read papers.
TV: News, etc.
Bed late, not good sleep. 
Noise in ear, massaged. Finally sleep til 7.
Tuesday, Aug. 24, 1999
Usual breakfast. Packaged vitamins, 10 x 10.
Noise less now? (Ear).
Walked 10 - 10:15. Ocean?
Worked on car statements. Need tires changed, and oil.
To library, some dictionary OK. Forgot some info.
Home again, Agassi won.. Great match.
News, worked on taxes.
To Kinkos, printed info.
TV: Bravo. 
Ear better.

Wednesday, Aug. 25, 1999
Slept OK. Up 7, usual breakfast. Chores.
Took car for oil/filter &tires rotated. Had coffee.
Back to Sears2 p.m. Jiffy vacuums car, also. Cost $30.
Ate KFC, pot pie.
To library, message from postmaster: That part of Justine' email address was missing. Resent message.
Home, wrote Prudy. Called Justine.
Called Myra. Visit 9/10.
Bed early, good sleep.
Thursday, Aug. 26, 1999
Usual breakfast, added a bit to Prudy's letter.
To post office 9:30, then to Nob Hill for fruit, milk. Muggy.
Card to Stimson. Tea & scone.
To town. Library, researched more on textile imports and Santa Maria Asian markets.
To show, "The Adventures of Sebastian Cole." Good.
Home, read papers, news.
TV: Due South, Lehrer, Law & order.
Up 2:30, ear woke me. Slept 3 to 8. 

Friday, Aug. 27, 1999
Up 8, usual breakfast.
To Kmart, got crackers, paper. Ate English muffins, coffee.
Got two basters, 1.79 and 2.15.
Wrote Myra, mailed at 5 p.m.
Watched "Defending Your Life," French film.

Saturday, Aug. 28, 1999
Chores, walked cliff.
To McDonald's, coffee.
To library, used computer for printing.
Email: Message from H, answered. Sent mail to Justine also.
Big doings at corner across from Rio theater. Charity for cancer.
Woman gave me name Wisteria for oilcloth.
Home, called Wisteria. Opeen Monday.
Mail: Letters from Visa, bank statement.
TV, read papers, worked on taxes, stocks.
Not great sleep. Tool melatonin at 2:30.

Sunday, April 29, 1999
Usual breakfast. Myra called. Arrival on the 9th better for her. (Or me?)
To Longs. BP, Xerox out. Returned video.
To Wisteria for oilcloth, $10/yard.
To Cathi's, not home!
Golf: Tiger won.
Surf contest in Fiji. Jeff Booth, host. Contestant from Orange County. Won by Australian.
Bed. Nite ear noise.

Monday, April 30, 1999
Slept 4-8. Usual breakfast.
Typed words, definitions from Stevenson's Inland Voyage.
Foned Visa, asked for $38.60. Girl seemed Latino, angry.
Finished book to mail to Mina, started letter.
To Kmart, got ice cream, hot dog.
Tennis: Hingis won, Agassi won.
Football: 49ers 16, Rams 8.
Used heat on ear.

Tuesday, Aug. 31, 1999
Slept better, 12-7:30
Wrote letter to Mina, sent copy of Stimson's letter, told her Prudy's story.
To post office, used Xerox at McWhorter's.
To McDonald's, lights out.
To Cathi's, gave gold top, skirt.
Home 12:15. Watched news.
Tennis: Serena Williams won, Kim Po played good.
Wrote another letter to Mina.
TV: Due South, Master of Ballantrae